User Module

Our aim when developing this module was to assist our users by designing a simple interface for administering user accounts, setting access rights and creating specific user groups.

Creating a new user

Open the user module by selecting the icon from the sidebar. Click 'New user' from the options and a new blade for your user will appear.


If you would like for a particular user to be able to access Relatude, you can activate this setting here. There are two options, which are both deactivated by default (represented by a grey toggle bars). These can be turned on using the toggle bar to increase the level (green toggle bar), and provide different levels of access for your user.

Has access to edit

Switching on this option provides the user with the ability to log in via /relatude. They will be able to see and modify content. They will not have access to any high-level settings that affect the site, such as deleting a site.

Is administrator

Users with this level of access will have full control over administering sites in Relatude.

Setting a valid password

To set a password, click the 'Set password' button under the username field and enter your desired password in the first box that appears. Valid passwords must be at least 5 characters long, combine lower and uppercase letters, and contain numeric values. The second box will indicate the validity of your chosen password.


Editing user profiles

Below is an example of the main fields in the user blade. If you're using multiple sites and/or multiple languages, you can select the magnifying glass besides those fields to choose the appropriate settings for the user.

Example profile

Managing individual users

From the user blade, you can select the 'Users' option to see a list of all the users. The 3 columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the column heading. An arrow will appear to indicate the direction of the ordering. There is also a free-text search bar, which will help you refine the results list. 

When you click on a user from, the user blade will reopen. In the example below, we can see that this user is a member of the group 'Explore Norway Blog'. Using the options at the bottom. you can add the user to an existing group, create a new group with the user added, or click the 3 dots to bring up a menu with more actions, including removing the user from the group.

Administering user groups

From the User Module, select 'Groups' to see an overview of any user groups. You can also click 'New group' to set up a new group. Your group should have a name, however the desciption is optional. There are 3 boxes below.

Users - This is where you add all the individual users that belong to this group.

Group members - Here you can add any other groups which belong to the current group, and therefore all the members of those groups by association. These groups are effectively below the current group in a hierarchical structure.

Group memberships - This shows all the groups that the current group belongs to. These groups are effectively above the current group in a hierarchical structure.