Main interface

The Relatude admin interface is a very complex web application, where we have tried to hide a lot of the complexity. The screen shown after logging in is very clean. This is a very conscous decision to not show unneeded complexity. Below we will go through the main parts of the interface.

Module menu

The left side of the screen contains a list of icons. This is the list of modules in the system. If you click on the hamburger menu icon in the top left corner, it expands the menu and displays the name of the modules as well. 

The module used the most is the Content module. It is a good starting point for many types of tasks. But as you will see, there are no clear boundaries between the different modules. 


The preview function is an integral part of the system where you can see how the content you're editing will look. You can also use the preview pane to navigate to the content you want to edit. 

The preview pane has a row of buttons along the top:

Preview example

This is an example of the responsive preview that splits the screen in two parts.

Preview buttons

Edit - This opens the node you're currently showing in the preview window in the main edit interface (left side).

Home - This navigates to the frontpage of the current site

Inline - This turns on the inline editing feature in the system. Note that this require the template to be made compatible. More on the inline editing feature can be found here.

Refresh - The refresh button refreshes the preview pane.

100% - This resizes the preview pane to take 100% of the screen. 

Detach - This detaches the preview into a separate tab or window. Very useful if you have multiple monitors.

Responsive - This changes how the preview is displayed. By default, the preview is responsive, so the web page being previewed uses the place available. But you can also force the preview to mobile or tablet sizes.

Mobile Preview example

This is an example of how the mobile preview looks.

Global Search

The global search is located next to the main Preview button:

The system searches as you type in the search box:

For more information on the search functionality in Relatude, look at the Search module documentation.