Content Module

This module often acts as a starting point when working on your sites and the easiest way to get an overview of the site structure.

Getting started

Click the content module icon represented by the house from the side menu. Below is an example of the hierachical structure of your site's content. You can expand or collapse nested content by clicking the arrow by the name. Click the flag to switch the language.

The top of the content tree is your site. Clicking on the Site content will open a blade with a selection of tabs. Each tab has a number of settings for the website, SEO and basic error handling.


It is not advised to make changes to the Site content unless you are familiar with the system. 


Let's start by clicking the 'New content' button. A box will appear asking you what type of content you would like to create, followed by where you would like to place your new content. Those listed under the 'Local' tab contain custom content types specific to your site. Under the 'System' tab, you'll find the most basic content types. The final tab contains a selection of content types provided natively within Relatude. 

Once the new content has been created, a new blade with open for it. You can now begin adding the detail.

Publishing content

Most content types are automatically marked as 'published' on creation. If you do not want a content to be visible on your website, you can click the 'Unpublish' button at the top. Published content will be indicated in green, whilst unpublished content will be blue.

Here you can see how this appears in the content tree. The folder marked in blue is unpublished.

Adding other contents to a content

Inner contents

This type of content is a collection of sub-contents which belong to a regular content. 


In the final tab, we will find some extra options for our content. Some contents will contain a parent, which is used as part of the hierarchical structure. The 'children' tab will contain a list of all the contents which have the active content as their parent. In most cases, you won't need to worry too much about this, as the appropriate parent will be added when you create a new content. There are a few extra options that we can look at.

Show in tree - if turned off, the content will not appear in the content tree of the content module.

Show in menu - used to indicate whether or not a content will appear in the menu of your website.

The Address field is what appears in the URL of your browser. In the example below, the address is given as 'home'. The URL you would use to navigate to this particular page is therefore

This section also provides detail on who created, published and last modified a content, as well as the users groups who can perform certain actions. See more about this in the User module guide.

Content in multiple languages

Relatude supports multilingual content management, allowing you to reach a broader audience and eailsy maintain content across different languages. In the menu bar at the top of each blade, users can switch between each available language.

The first time you switch to a page or module without any content in the selected language, you need to select 'Add language content' from the menu. 

A popup like the one below will appear asking you to choose an option for the new language.

First, you can copy the content so it will display in the original language. This could be useful is you wish to manually translate the content yourself, but also if the content has a lot of non-language dependant properties (such as images). 

The second option will use a translator to recreate the content in the new language.

The third option is to simply create a blank content ready for you to add your own information to.